If you are a homebrewer who's planning to go commercial in 2013, before you brew your first batch, leave the homebrewer at home. Making beer won't be your hobby anymore, it'll be your job. When I see brewers saying that they make the beers they would like to drink I ask myself, shouldn't they make the beers I would like to drink? If expermimental refers to a product that is still being developed, shouldn't experimental beers be cheaper than finished ones? Brewers need to have more trust in their products. Instead of inviting us to taste their beers, they should invite us to drink them. Someone who prefers to spend 10€ on a bottle of a beer they don't know instead of spending the same money on three bottles of a beer they already know and like, has a very serious problem. You should always doubt the judgment of someone who praises (and reviews) a beer they drank in a shot size as part of a session that included another ten. It'd be nice to see
An exploration of the most divine beverage