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Showing posts from January, 2011

Drink for thought

A bit on the topic that Stan dealt with the other day is this article from an Argentine newspaper "Five qualities from wine that beer watches and envies" . (in Spanish) The headline might be quite silly, but it still makes a bit of sense. The author claims to have had access to a study that was based on marketing surveys from several countries, which had been commissioned by breweries. For those who don't read Spanish here's a summary: 1- Frequency : People drink more beer, but they drink wine more often, and they drink it at home with meals. In Argentina people drink beer 5.6 times a month and wine 9.4 2- Food : Beer is drunk mostly with fast-food, while wine will wash down "proper" meals. 3- Attributes: Wine is associated with God, the land, tradition, history and even country, as well as variety, knowledge, exploration and prestige, while beer is associated with parties, nightlife, young people (i.e. inexperienced consumer), etc. Something in

A Star is Born (take 3)

Do you remember that trip I made last November with the people of the web portal Viamedius ? Well, the video we shot is already available. Looks quite alright, specially the parts of Krumlov and beer. Originally, it was planned as a 20 minute documentary, but it ended up being almost 30 minutes long, those extra 10 are dedicated to pivo. Cool! I hope you like it (even if it is in Spanish) REPUBLICA CHECA con Max from Viamedius on Vimeo . Na Zdraví! Choose a Hotel in Prague in the city centre.


The other day I asked whether setting up a Facebook page was worth it . Many of you left comments or sent e-mails giving your opinion, and I thank you for it. After having meditated on the matter, and weighing the opinion of everyone, even of those who don't have a profile in the social network, I've decided to listen to the majority and set up the page . Besides the posts I publish here, I will also link to what I find most interesting from what is posted in the many beer blogs I follow in English, Spanish and, why not, Czech, too; the idea is to do it on a daily basis, but that will depend on the material. I will also share news and other beer stuff that I believe are worth reading and, if I feel like it (I've been quite lazy for that lately) I will post the odd beer review. If you want to "Like" the page, you can do it with the plug-on on the right. Once there, you are more than welcome to share whatever thing you may find interesting beer-wise. Also, tho

To PET or not to PET

Polyethylene Terephtalate bottles (PET, for friends) seem to have been the only segment that has shown any growth for the multinationals. Some would go as far as to say that if it wasn't for these 1.5 and 2l plastic bottles Prazdroj ,  Heineken and Staropramen could be in some serious shit. But beers sold in this kind of bottles are nothing new on the Czech market. The first one I remember seeing in a PET bottle was Sladkův Měšťan  (Staropramen's cheapest brand) and that must have been six or seven years ago. I've never bought it, I've always found Měšťan awful and didn't think plastic would improve things. Later there was an attempt by Staropramen to sell their Světlý in a 0.6l plastic bottle. It was very expensive, more than the cans, and didn't enjoy a long life. Also, in some supermarkets you can see to this day PET bottles from a couple of regionals whose products I've never been too keen on, so I've never bought them, either. When I started

Bollocks, darling, just bollocks

It seems we didn't have enough bollocks with those "Beers for Women" and "Beers for those who don't like beer". Now we have "Gay Beer"! This article from a Mexican web page announces the launch of Purple Hand Beer and Salamandra Cerveza Artesanal . According to Bodega Doce, the company behind them, they are the "the first beers exclusive for the gay and lesbian community" . "Beers for women" tend to be quite pathetic products , not much different in concept to "Beers for those who don't like beer" . Both take advantage of the image of beer as a "mildly alcoholic, yellowy fizzy beverage that should be drunk really cold". The reality is, though, that there are beers for absolutely everyone, it's only a matter of knowing what to choose. But I don't know, maybe this beers do have something different. Well, unfortunately, doesn't go into much detail about the characteristics of the beers (c

One question

Some time ago one of my clients told me that I should set up a Facebook page for my blog. At first I simply dismissed the idea, but then I started thinking about it. The main issue I have with it is the contents. Setting up a Facebook page just as a mirror of this one is a waste of time, really. If I'm going to be bothered with it, I would like to offer something extra, besides keeping it active and updated, not like some I've seen around. But what? So, my dear readers and friends, what sort of contents would you like to see in an eventual Facebook page? And, perhaps more important, is it really worth the bother? Thanks for your advice. Na Zdraví! Choose your preferred Prague hotels and get free transport.